
First Minute

Koh Chang, Thailand

Rejsen tager dig til Koh Chang Nationale Marinepark der er beliggende cirka 300 km sydøst for Bangkok. Nationalparken er bestående af mere end 50 øer og selve Koh Chang byder på en af de bedst bevarede tropiske regnskove i Sydøstasien. Det var først tilbage i starten af 2000´erne at turisterne begyndte at finde vej til Koh Chang. De fleste resorts på Koh Chang er beliggende på vestsiden og langt de fleste har direkte adgang til stranden. Koh Chang har formået at bibeholde en meget charmerende ”laid-back”-atmosfære med et præg af eventyr og ferie i nedsat tempo. Koh Chang er en stor Ø, men på grund af geografien er der relativt få hoteller på Øen, og dermed ikke så mange turister som man f.eks. finder på de større rejsemål i Thailand.

Rejsen bringer dig også til øerne Koh Mak og Koh Kood. Der er ikke mere end højst én times transport mellem øerne. Man kan bedst beskrive øerne som små tropiske perler med få resorts og dermed få turister. Det er øer med fantastisk strande, palmer og en atmosfære som blot oser af at det for en tid er skønt at være lidt væk fra en mere ”pulserende” verden.

Vi har baseret rejsen på 12 nætter i Thailand, men dette er helt op til dig. Hvordan du fordeler nætterne på øerne er dit valg, men her har vi taget udgangspunkt i 6 nætter på Koh Chang og 3 nætter på hhv. Koh Mak og Koh Kood.

Tasteful Mauritius

Mark Twain once wrote, 'Mauritius was made first and then heaven, heaven being copied after Mauritius'. He was right. Mauritius is rightly famed for its sapphire-blue waters, powder-white beaches and, yes, luxury resorts that provide a front-row seat onto some of the most beautiful views in the Indian Ocean.

Vacation in Portugal

Along the Atlantic, the Beira Litoral lures surfers and sunseekers with scores of sandy beaches. Here, the sophisticated university city of Coimbra and the brash casino-party town of Figueira da Foz arm-wrestle for visitors’ attention. Move inland to the Beira Alta highlands and the mood shifts entirely. Stoic stone villages cling to the slopes of Portugal’s highest mountains – the Serra da Estrela – and cast their gaze down at the fertile wine country of the Dão valley.

Magnificent Seville

While history reverberates all around, Seville is as much about the here and now as the past. It’s about eating tapas in a crowded bar or seeing out the end of the day over a drink on a buzzing plaza. The sevillanos have long since mastered the art of celebrating and the city’s great annual festivals, notably the Semana Santa and Feria de Abril, are among Spain’s most heartfelt.

Visit Beautiful Budapest

The Castle District encompasses Castle Hill (Várhegy) – nerve centre of Budapest’s history and packed with many of the capital’s most important museums and other attractions – as well as ground-level Víziváros (Watertown). What the latter lacks in sights it makes up for in excellent restaurants, many of them around Széll Kálmán tér, a major transport hub and the centre of urban Buda.

A weekend in London

Immersed in history, London's rich seams of eye-opening antiquity are everywhere. The city's buildings are striking milestones in a unique and beguiling biography, and a great many of them – the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben – are instantly recognisable landmarks. There’s more than enough innovation (the Shard, the Tate Modern extension, the planned Garden Bridge) to put a crackle in the air, but it never drowns out London’s seasoned, centuries-old narrative.

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